How workplace disability discrimination affects employees

On behalf of elizabethtatelaw Attorney at Law posted in Workplace Discrimination on Wednesday , October 25, 2017

Some people in Arizona who have disabilities might not disclose their conditions to their employers. This was one finding of a study conducted by the Center for Talent Innovation, which looked at workers with disabilities throughout the US as well as in other countries, including Brazil, Germany and India.

The study found that in the US, nearly one-third of people who have white-collar jobs and are college educated have a disability. Almost two-thirds of those individuals have what is known as an “invisible disability,” meaning that others cannot tell just by looking at them that they have a disability. Over 33 percent of employees report negative experiences in the workplace related to their disability, including the belief that they will take longer to complete a task or will be unable to do it altogether. Reports of discrimination were higher among those who had a visible disability.

This bias has led to many workers not reporting their disabilities in the workplace. According to the study, just over 20 percent of people inform human resources while fewer than 40 percent tell their manager. Despite showing levels of ambition slightly higher than those without a disability, more than half of people with disabilities report that they feel stalled in the workplace. Only 44 percent of people without disabilities report the same feeling.

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers are required to make reasonable accommodations for people who have disabilities. Individuals who are denied what they believe to be reasonable accommodations or face other types of workplace discrimination related to a disability may want to talk to an attorney about their rights. Although a lot of employers have written policies in place about discrimination and how to make a complaint, a consultation with an attorney may better prepare someone to make the complaint and take further steps if necessary.